PC-to-Phone the Most Popular VoIP Service on Earth
Most large firms have been busy building privately-managed global networks using IP technology and offer services to their clients using this network. With the low cost of termination, it is not necessary to purchase the equipment to build an expansive network as a start-up, simply factoring the leasing or lines and termination costs to carriers is the main expense to worry about with your operations, with possibly collocation, and a solid application platform costs to have 100% ownership.
With a solid network, you can utilize as a product line the pc-to-phone, otherwise known as a PC Dialer, Softphone, soft-phone, or web to phone application. PC-to-Phone applications should enable a user to dial telephone numbers inexpensively to make a call to a standard phone anywhere in the world directly from a personal computer while remaining online. This may also include PC-to-PC calling where by the users have IDs or SIP registry numbers that allow users to dial each other on the internet for free. Once users download a softphone application, the application can be run on a computer where by it registers with a cluster of servers called voip application servers. These application servers can allow for traditional telephone numbers to be given to the softphone so that people can call into the PC from a traditional phone, often application servers also include voice mail, call forwarding, and Call Detailed Records for accounting. The reason consumers use PC-to-Phone services is that the rates are generally lower than those charged for traditional circuit switched calls.
Why are these calls so cheap? PC-to-Phone have generally lower rates than those charged by regular public switched telephone network calls because the packet-switch technology used to send a call from an IP address routed through the internet to another IP address make the calls go directly from the user’s Internet connection to the other user direct or through a privately managed IP switch and network to the destination. This helps the users avoid access and settlement rates associated with traditional international and domestic long distance telecommunications services.
PC-to-Phone is currently the most popular product offering on the internet based on the pure volume of users in Skype, Net2phone, Deltathree, Peoplefone, Yahoo, Google Talk, Hotmail and other various services. With an estimated 250 million+ users of softphones globally, the PC-to-Phone market is the largest and most used application of VoIP.
About Us
Vocalscape can assist any firm to launch a successful softphone business in under 30 days. The proprietary softphone Eyefon is a leading softphone application that has been successfully launched with several enterprise users globally.
The Vocalscape turn-key softphone application business includes servers, software, installation, and if necessary, network and collocation.
Please contact [email protected] for more information on the softphone business model.
To review a client website, please go to www.peoplefone.com.
Vocalscape’s SIP Softphone – The future is Hear!