A list of global voip conferences by the host Country:
http://www.tmcnet.com/voip/conference/ January 24 - 27
http://www.von.com/ March 14 - 17
http://www.vonmexico.com/ February 14-17
http://www.pulver.com/canada2006/ April 3 - 5
http://www.terrapinn.com/2006/cwa%5Fhk/ Hong Kong March 6th - 8th
http://www.von.com/japan06/ July 19th - 21st
http://www.von.com/uk06/ June 12th - 14th
http://wca.totaltele.com/ World Communications Awards October 4th 2006th London
SatCom: Bring the biggest and best Satellite internet providers from around the globe
http://www.satcomafrica.com/ February 20th - 24th
VoIP World Africa-
http://www.terrapinn.com/2006/voipza/ May 8th - 11th
Telecom World Africa 2006
http://www.von.com/russia06/ May 10th -13th
Sweden: Telecom World Scandanavia
http://www.terrapinn.com/2006/tws/ March 29th - 30th Sweden
Switzerland: Telecom World Communications Conferece Geneva
http://www.carriersworld.com/2006/TTWTC/ 25 April 2006 to 27 April 2006
Spring Von Europe:
http://www.voneurope.com/ May 15th - 18th
http://www.terrapinn.com/2006/voip_au/ June 26th - 28th 2006
Fall Von Europe:
http://www.pulver.com/berlin2006/ November 6-9th
Carriers World Central and Eastern Europe 2006- Budapest Hungary
http://www.carriersworld.com/2006/cwcee/ November 23 - 24th
Singapore: Voice over everything ASIA conference
http://www.terrapinn.com/2006/voe%5Fsg/ November 28th - 30th
http://www.carriersworld.com/2006/twme/ Dec. 3 - 5th
If you are interested in starting a VoIP company contact www.vocalscape.com contact 1-866-456-VoIP.
Dubai: Telecom World Middle East 2006
4500 persons job opening
Posted by: Rollin Castanos | February 11, 2006 at 04:39 AM